Making sure your power tools are protected from any harsh elements that can damage them can take its toll sometimes. Garages and basements are notoriously hard on tools due to the fact that these high humidity environments provide the perfect conditions for developing rust. Just like what I have already said, keeping our power tools clean eats up our time so here's something you can do to lessen your time.

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Newly purchased power tools are always covered with cosmoline a thick waxy protective coating to protect it from rust. Once it is in your shop, this coating must be removed and your cast iron top is no longer protected. Carpenter often strips the power tools of cosmoline , making them vulnerable to rust.

To keep away the moisture it is advisable that our power tools are covered with protective coating . One of the less complicated thing that you can do is by purchasing commercial preventive sprays . There are actually 2 brands that you can purchase they are the Empire Top Saver and Boeshield T-9.Both of these sprays are applied directly to the surface and then rubbed down to remove the excess. This step should be repeated periodically to keep a layer of protection on the tool.

The unfortunate reality of tool ownership is that despite every good intention, tools left unprotected will eventually develop rust. And we left it alone for a long time it will definitely damage the whole of it.

This is a jointer that is not kept well. The buildup of sawdust on the cast iron bed encouraged the formation of rust. After only 2 years, this tool was in need of some care.

An abrasive tool is what is usually used to clean these cast irons, however problem arises when the rust are in the areas impossible to be reached. We now have products that can make everything easier .

Boeshiled is a rust remover that completes its tasks quickly. This is the best rust removal that you can use on larger tools. All you need to do is spray it all over the area then let it stay for a minute then wipe. Use a steel wool to remove the remaining rust.

Now that the jointer is free from rust you may apply rust protection on it. There will be small rust pits on the tool that is the after effect of the rust formation . No method of rust removal can fill in a rust pit once the rust has consumed the metal.

Using these products can be harmful, since rust removals are made of acids to remove the rust fast you should be able to use some protective clothing like goggles and gloves .

Protecting your power tools from rust need not to be hard and time consuming, just follow the steps above and you will be able to keep them for a lifetime.